#3 of 2-Oct '15
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A meta-strategy is a trading system that trades trading systems.
The idea is to develop a strategy that will make sensible decisions about when to trade
a specific system, in a way that yields superior performance compared to simply following
the underlying trading system.
Put another way, the simplest kind of meta-strategy is a long-only strategy that takes
positions in some underlying trading system. At times, it will follow the underlying system exactly;
at other times it is out of the market and ignore the trading system’s recommendations.
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ex-Credit Suisse prop trader, has this advice for the 30 year-olds
Q: What advice would you give to young traders today who’ve never experienced a rate rise?
Be ready to learn fast and adapt. In 1994 we had a major bond bear market.
There were plenty of young traders who’d joined in the late 1980s and early
1990s who’d never experienced a bear market for bonds. They really struggled,
but those who came through were the most adaptable and the most ready to learn
from the guys around them. You need to remember with the market that no one
knows what’s going to happen and no one knows what shape it will take.
Markets can move faster than you can believe and they can stay irrational for
longer than you can stay solvent. Every single new bull or bear market will
be different to those that came before and some people will always be caught out.
The best thing you can do to prepare is to be aware of your own trading behaviour.
Try to become more self-aware: understand yourself and the behaviours that drive
your successes and limitations. What is it that undermines your success?
Q: Markets could be pretty volatile next year. Should traders be out there meditating and practicing ‘mindfulness’?
I am a big fan of getting the ‘head right.’ Mindfulness and meditation
are practices increasingly being used by traders.
– I know some top traders at hedge funds who use it to help keep themselves sharp.
For many traders, however, it is a step too close to hippydom.
If it makes you uncomfortable, then try running, taking a long walk, or going to the gym.
They all fulfil a similar need!
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Встроенное изображение 5
Встроенное изображение 6
Встроенное изображение 7
Встроенное изображение 8
For free here: http://techbus.safaribooksonline.com/book/personal-development/9781617292392
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We’re starting a new research lab,
which we’re calling YC Research,
to work on some of these areas.
We’re going to start YCR with one group
(which we should be ready to announce in a month or two)
and if that goes well, we’ll add others.
YCR is a non-profit.
Any IP developed will be made available freely to everyone.
(The researchers will, of course, have full discretion over when they’re
ready to release their work, and we’ll have a process in place to
address technology that could be dangerous.)
Because of the openness, the researchers will be able to freely
collaborate with people in other institutions.
We’re not doing this with the goal of helping YC’s startups
succeed or adding to our bottom line. At the risk of sounding cliché,
this is for the benefit of the world. As we’ve seen throughout history,
new technological breakthroughs help all of us.
Fundamental research is critical to driving the world forward,
and funding for it keeps getting cut.
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Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance (by Dr. Kjell Konis)
This are course materials, so that's math mixed with some financial concepts like bond duration or perpetual annuities:
1. Limits and Derivatives.pdf
2. Integrals.pdf
3. Partial Derivatives.pdf
4. Multiple Integrals.pdf
5. Linear Algebra I.pdf
6. Linear Algebra II.pdf
7.1 Lagrange's Method.pdf
7.2 Taylor Series.pdf
8. Numerical Methods