#7 of 19-Oct '15
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Global Economy Grinds to a Halt
China’s banks are, in effect, bust: few of the
vast loans they have made can ever be repaid,
so they cannot now lend at the rate needed to
sustain China’s once super-high but illusory
growth rates. China’s real growth is now below
that of the Mao years: the economic crisis will
spawn a crisis of legitimacy for the deeply
corrupt communist party. Commodity prices have
Money is flooding out of the EMEs, leaving
overborrowed companies, indebted households and
stricken banks, but EMEs do not have institutions
such as the Federal Reserve or European Central
Bank to knock up rescue packages. Yet these
nations now account for more than half of global
GDP. Small wonder the IMF is worried.
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Find an industry with less impact from the Machine
The streets of New York fill with angry
protesters. Once in high-demand, they suddenly
seem to be out of business. They’re raging
against automation. Against the machine.
Not your coding skills, but your business will
define if you’re still needed. If you’re
coding basic low-cost websites at a high pace,
you might run out of business faster than you
might expect. If you can do it by repetition,
a machine certainly can do that too. If you’re
building crucial online services with a lot of
custom functionality, the machines will have a
harder time to keep up. Don’t worry about the
need for your skills, worry about the need for
your current business.
Both designers and developers will remain
essential to create something truly unique. By
understanding what the user really wants. By
creating interfaces that really work. There is a
lot of work to do. So, don’t be intimidated by
code machines, but don’t be surprised either.
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How artificial intelligence is moving from the
lab to your kid’s playroom, The Washington
Post. Your daughter can now have a conversation
with her Barbie!
Six human skills Facebook’s artificial
intelligence tech is slowly mastering, NY
Business Journal
Hackers can silently control Siri from 16 feet
away, Wired
Publicis.Sapient Acquires Minority Stake in
Artificial Intelligence Company Lucid, The
Wall Street
Journal. Media behemoth looking to power their
marketing and media buying tools.
The Challenges Of Building AI Apps, by Mike
Chalfen, TechCrunch
The 7 Parts of Your Business That Need Automation
Right Now, Inc.
IBM opens Watson competency centre in Victoria,
Why Artificial Intelligence Should Read and
Write Stories, Huffington Post
Should cars be fully driverless? No, says an
engineer and historian
Intelligence amplification will make us as smart
as the machines
Researchers Digitise Part of a Rat Brain
(paper here)
Thought process: Building an artificial brain,
Paul Allen’s $500 million quest to dissect
the mind and code a new one from scratch
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The Success of Apache Cassandra Certification
DataStax delivered Developer and Administrator
training at Cassandra Summit, targeting 2 of
our largest technical personas. Trainees were
required to complete prerequisite courses online
via DataStax Academy and gauge their level of
preparedness via online quizzes. On September
22nd 2015 (training and certification day),
our trainers did a 5 hour deep dive into the
prerequisites, answered questions, and prepared
our trainees for certification which they took at
the event. By the numbers, we had 785 individuals
registered for certification day of which 503
passed across both Developer and Admin tracks.
As we bask in the success of our first
certification event, this is just the
beginning. In addition to Developer Certification
and Administrator Certification, we recently
introduced Architect Certification in partnership
with O’Reilly Media. The Apache Cassandra
Architect exam combines the skills of both
Developer and Admin exams and is recommended
for individuals seeking to get certified on both.
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The first comprehensive survey of
(2+1)-dimensional quantum gravity. It presents
some fifteen different approaches, comparing the
resulting theories and suggesting implications
for the ultimate goal of a (3+1)-dimensional
theory uniting general relativity and quantum
mechanics. An invaluable resource for all
graduate students and researchers working in
quantum gravity.
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solution: when the Body Attacks Itself
12 Ways to Help Treat an Autoimmune Disease
What causes autoimmune disease? We ultimately
need a healthy immune system; without it,
we wouldn’t survive. The immune system is
hella-smart; it can sniff out and attack foreign
pathogens, like bacteria, viruses, or toxins,
just like a bloodhound on the scent of an escaped
convict. The immune system is the musclebound
bodyguard for our healthy cells. But, for some
unknown reason, the immune system can become
dysfunctional, and it can start to attack healthy
tissues within the body instead of protecting
them — this is referred to as an autoimmune
response or autoimmunity.
12 Ways to Help Treat an Autoimmune Disease
Address food allergies
Clean up your diet
Revamp your gut
Slash your sugar consumption
Use supplements strategically
Get moving
De-stress yourself
Test your heavy metal levels
Sleep, sleep, sleep
Hydrate your heart out
Stop smoking
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Software Reengineering: From Spaghetti to Clean Design
The existing software consisted of a single
file containing 1,200 lines of undocumented
code. Yikes. Moreover, it was known to contain
some bugs and to have some performance issues.
In addition, examination of the log files (always
a good place to start when inheriting someone
else’s code) revealed potential memory leak
issues. At some point, the process was reported
to be using more than 1GB of RAM.
Code Structure. The code had no real structure
at all, making it difficult to distinguish
configuration from infrastructure from business
logic. There was essentially no modularization
or separation of concerns.
Redundant code. Some parts of the code (such as
error handling code for every event handler,
the code for making web requests, etc.) were
duplicated multiple times. Replicated code is
never a good thing, making code significantly
harder to maintain and more highly prone to
errors (when the redundant code gets fixed or
updated in one place but not in the other).
Hardcoded values. The code contained a number
of hardcoded values (rarely a good thing). Being
able to modify these values through configuration
parameters (rather than requiring changes
to hardcoded values in code) would increase
flexibility and could also help facilitate
testing and debugging.
Logging. The logging system was very basic. It
would generate a single giant log file that was
difficult and clumsy to analyze or parse.
Key Architectural Objectives
Maintainability. Never write software expecting
to be the only person who will need to maintain
it. Always consider how understandable your code
will be to someone else, and how easy it will
be for them to modify or debug.
Extensibility. Never assume that the
functionality you’re implementing today is
all that will ever be needed. Architect your
software in ways that will be easy to extend.
Modularity. Separate functionality into logical
and distinct modules, each with its own clear
purpose and function.
Scalability. Today’s users are increasingly
impatient, expecting immediate (or at least
close-to-immediate) response times. Poor
performance and high latency can cause even
the most useful application to fail in the
marketplace. How will your software perform as
the number of concurrent users and bandwidth
requirements increase? Techniques such as
parallelization, database optimization, and
asynchronous processing can help improve the
ability of your system to remain responsive,
despite increasing load and resource demands.
With all this in place, we have achieved
a significant cleanup of the code that was
originally handed to us. This is not about
making the code perfect, but rather is about
reengineering it to create a clean architectural
foundation that will be easier to support and
maintain, and which will facilitate and simplify
Adhering to the key software design principles
enumerated earlier – maintainability,
extensibility, modularity, and scalability –
we created modules and a code structure that
clearly and cleanly identified the different
module responsibilities. We also have identified
some problems in the original implementation
that lead to high memory consumption that was
degrading performance.
Hope you enjoyed the article, let me know if
you have further comments or questions.
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START from the conclusion :-)
Well that’s about it! In no way the AI in Toto
Temple Deluxe is perfect, but it can put up an
interesting fight without being too previsible
and that was the goal. Thank you to have read
this post, and I hope it inspires you to start
your own little (or big, who knows!) artificial
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Modern professional software applications are
often multi-threaded applications with multiple
processes that are distributed over multiple
PCs. For these complex systems it is important
that the execution architecture is well designed
and properly documented. Well-designed means
that there are no problems with respect to
deadlocks, race conditions, context switches,
thread starvation etc. In practice we often
experience problems in the execution architecture
and the quality of the documentation describing
it is often insufficient.
This article describes a modeling technique
for making diagrams of the execution
architecture. The diagram is called a Unified
Execution Diagram (UED). The UED shows the
threads, processes, PC deployment, inter
process communication, reentrant code, queues,
blocking functions etc. These diagrams can
be used on architectural level as well as on
implementation level. To ease the creation of new
UEDs we have made a MS Visio stencil available
(click here to download the Visio stencil)
(Pascal T. Wolkotte and Carlo van Asma, 2011)
that contains all symbols that can be used in a
UED. Visio turned out to be a very suitable tool
for this work especially because of the auto
routing and line crossing support. Like UML,
a UED is very suitable to model hybrid systems
that consists of hardware and software modules.
This new modelling technique has been developed
because visualizing concurrency in, for example
UML, does not offer a satisfying solution. Many
software engineers confirmed this and because of
this reason the UED has been quickly adopted in
many design teams within Philips Healthcare. For
example, a sequence diagram is often used to
depict a specific use-case, where occasionally
limitted thread interaction is included. Other
shortcomming of UML with respect to a UED
will become clear when reading the rest of
the document. The UED depicts the interaction
between all threads in a single diagram. A UED
can depict all information that is relevant for
an execution architecture.