#7 of 19-Oct '15 _ _ _ | |_ __ _| | |_ | ' \/ _` | | _| |_||_\__,_|_|\__| Global Economy Grinds to a Halt China’s banks are, in effect, bust: few of the vast loans they have made can ever be repaid, so they cannot now lend at the rate needed to sustain China’s once super-high but illusory growth rates. China’s real growth is now below that of the Mao years: the economic crisis will spawn a crisis of legitimacy for the deeply corrupt communist party. Commodity prices have crashed. Money is flooding out of the EMEs, leaving overborrowed companies, indebted households and stricken banks, but EMEs do not have institutions such as the Federal Reserve or European Central Bank to knock up rescue packages. Yet these nations now account for more than half of global GDP. Small wonder the IMF is worried. http://www.silverdoctors.com/global-economy-grinds-to-a-halt-were-already-in-a-recession/ _____ _ ___ _ __ __ _ _ |_ _| |_ ___ / __|___ __| |___| \/ |__ _ __| |_ (_)_ _ ___ | | | ' \/ -_) (__/ _ \/ _` / -_) |\/| / _` / _| ' \| | ' \/ -_) |_| |_||_\___|\___\___/\__,_\___|_| |_\__,_\__|_||_|_|_||_\___| Find an industry with less impact from the Machine The streets of New York fill with angry protesters. Once in high-demand, they suddenly seem to be out of business. They’re raging against automation. Against the machine. ... Not your coding skills, but your business will define if you’re still needed. If you’re coding basic low-cost websites at a high pace, you might run out of business faster than you might expect. If you can do it by repetition, a machine certainly can do that too. If you’re building crucial online services with a lot of custom functionality, the machines will have a harder time to keep up. Don’t worry about the need for your skills, worry about the need for your current business. Both designers and developers will remain essential to create something truly unique. By understanding what the user really wants. By creating interfaces that really work. There is a lot of work to do. So, don’t be intimidated by code machines, but don’t be surprised either. https://medium.com/design-and-develop/code-machines-29b066b65716 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ | \| |_____ __ _____ (_)_ _ __ _ _ _| |_(_)/ _(_)__(_)__ _| | | .` / -_) V V (_-< | | ' \ / _` | '_| _| | _| / _| / _` | | |_|\_\___|\_/\_//__/ |_|_||_| \__,_|_| \__|_|_| |_\__|_\__,_|_| _ _ _ _ _ _ (_)_ _| |_ ___| | (_)__ _ ___ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ _ __| | | | ' \ _/ -_) | | / _` / -_) ' \/ _/ -_) / _` | ' \/ _` | |_|_||_\__\___|_|_|_\__, \___|_||_\__\___| \__,_|_||_\__,_| |___/ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __| |_ (_)_ _ ___ | |___ __ _ _ _ _ _ (_)_ _ __ _ | ' \/ _` / _| ' \| | ' \/ -_) | / -_) _` | '_| ' \| | ' \/ _` | |_|_|_\__,_\__|_||_|_|_||_\___| |_\___\__,_|_| |_||_|_|_||_\__, | |___/ How artificial intelligence is moving from the lab to your kid’s playroom, The Washington Post. Your daughter can now have a conversation with her Barbie! Six human skills Facebook’s artificial intelligence tech is slowly mastering, NY Business Journal Hackers can silently control Siri from 16 feet away, Wired Publicis.Sapient Acquires Minority Stake in Artificial Intelligence Company Lucid, The Wall Street Journal. Media behemoth looking to power their marketing and media buying tools. The Challenges Of Building AI Apps, by Mike Chalfen, TechCrunch The 7 Parts of Your Business That Need Automation Right Now, Inc. IBM opens Watson competency centre in Victoria, ZDNet Why Artificial Intelligence Should Read and Write Stories, Huffington Post Should cars be fully driverless? No, says an engineer and historian Intelligence amplification will make us as smart as the machines Researchers Digitise Part of a Rat Brain (paper here) Thought process: Building an artificial brain, Paul Allen’s $500 million quest to dissect the mind and code a new one from scratch https://medium.com/@NathanBenaich/news-in-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-2f29ed278bae _ __ __ _ ______ __ _ _ _ __| |_ _ __ _ / _/ _` (_-<_-